Propyleneoxide The very first chiral molecule

Propyleneoxide The very first chiral molecule

Scientists recently found a molecule in space. They named this molecule propylene oxide. Propylene oxide because this molecule consists of three carbon atoms and an oxide atom.

Propylene oxide

Polypropylene glycol

Numerous molecules have been discovered in space before. Like water molecule, water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. which is important for life. On the other hand, the carbon dioxide molecule consists of two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. Which is harmful to human body. Another molecule is alanine, we all have this molecule in our body. The human body produces this molecule. The special feature of this molecule is that it occurs in two types in nature. Two molecules are called isotopes. Both molecules have the same structure and consist of the same number of atoms. These two molecules are mirror images of each other.


The hands of the human body are also a reflection of each other. Just as two hands do not match when placed on top of each other, in the same way that two hands do not match when placed on top of each other. This is called non-superimpossible. If superimpossible, one would coincide with the other. In chemistry this is called chirality.

And molecules are called chiral. But the surprising thing is that only one of these molecules is found in nature. If one tries to make an alanine molecule in a chemistry laboratory without applying some special conditions, it is not possible. Both types of alanine molecules can be found in equal proportions. But the human body only selectively produces one type of alanine molecule. Numerous such chiral molecules are found in nature. Only one type of chiral molecule has been observed in living organisms. And this is called homochirality. The question arises in the minds of scientists why only one type of chiral molecule creates nature? They have been researching for a long time to answer this question. And the answer is related to the source of life and world and various things. Scientists believe that this homochirality was determined at the beginning of the creation of the universe. However, although many molecules have been found before, this is the first time scientists have found a chiral molecule.

The molecule found by radio telescope about 28,000 light years away from Earth is called Propylene Oxide (June, 2016). Propylene oxide is a chiral molecule. And finding chiral molecules for the first time has caused quite a response in the scientific community. However, the type of chiral molecule could not be confirmed. However, the presence of propylene oxide was confirmed. If such numerous chiral molecules are discovered, many unknown facts about life and the universe will be discovered. Scientists continue to strive to find out all the unknown facts.

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