Easily design visiting cards with Photoshop and Illustrator

Easily design visiting cards with Photoshop and Illustrator

One of the jobs in the world of design is visiting card design. Today I will show you how to design a visiting card by yourself, let's start with Photoshop and Illustrator.

First, open Adobe Photoshop, then click on File>new, a dialog box will appear, here you have to enter the size of the visiting card...

Visiting card size is 3.1 in the Width cell and 2 in the height cell, OK with Resolution -300. The size will be as below. You have to save it and then you have to take the PSD file for illustration.

Now we will work on the picture in the visiting card, the picture will be given in the visiting card, first the picture should be brought to Photoshop, then cut/copy and paste in the visiting card, below I took a picture...

Now we need to take the PSD file into Illustrator to write on my visiting card.

If Illustrator is not running, start it then click on File > new and take an A4 size page. If you have problems to understand, look at the image below...

We will do all the writing work of the visiting card in Illustrator, so you need to bring the saved PSD file of Photoshop to Illustrator by clicking on File> Place and selecting the saved PSD file and doing Place>.

I will make a visiting card of my computer company to understand SAPZ.

Now make your own design according to your heart. Below is my designed visiting card…

Finally, save all the work properly.

Sorry if wrong and don't forget to comment.

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